Storefront Documentation

Configuration & Best Practise Guides

Frequently Asked Questions

Theme settings - Image uploads & best practise guidelines

  • Site home marketing tiles – image recommendations

    There are no perfect sizes as most of these areas are device ‘responsive’ and will change in height and width depending on the screensize.

    • When uploading images for the marketing tiles we suggest a resolution of around: 600px x 300px

    We recommend uploading images no larger than 2MB in size as larger images may slow down users loading times when they have a poor/unstable internet connection.

  • Login page background – Image recommendations

    There are no perfect sizes as most of these areas are device ‘responsive’ and will change in height and width depending on the screensize.

    • When using login page style/variant 1 we suggest a resolution of around: 1920px x 1080px
    • When using login page style/variant 2 we suggest a resolution of around: 1200px x 1300px

    We recommend uploading images no larger than 2MB in size as larger images may slow down users loading times when they have a poor/unstable internet connection.

  • Site home slideshow – Image recommendations

    There are no perfect sizes as most of these areas are device ‘responsive’ and will change in height and width depending on the screensize. Please note that the slideshow height can also be set within the theme settings which again would ahve an impact on the dimensions of images uploaded.

    • When uploading images for the slideshow (carousel) with a slideshow height of 500px we suggest a resolution of around: 1920px × 600px

    We recommend uploading images no larger than 2MB in size as larger images may slow down users loading times when they have a poor/unstable internet connection.

  • Course and program – Image recommendations

    There are no perfect sizes as most of these areas are device ‘responsive’ and will change in height and width depending on the screensize.

    Course images

    • When uploading images for courses (in each course settings area) we suggest a resolution of around: 600px x 300px or larger if course banner images are enabled of around 1200px x 600px.

    However please be aware that these course images are shown in multiple locations. For example it can be shown:

    1. On the ‘My courses‘ page
    2. In the course library beside each course
    3. On the course home page if the theme setting ‘Course banners‘ are enabled (admins can also define the height of these).
    4. On the site home page if ‘available courses ‘or ‘enrolled courses‘ functionality is enabled
    5. In a number of Moodle blocks:
      1. Course overview
      2. Starred courses
      3. Recently accessed courses
      4. New available courses (Moodle Workplace only)
      5. In progress courses (Moodle Workplace only)

    Program images (Moodle Workplace only)

    • When uploading images for programs (in each program settings area) we suggest a resolution of around: 600px x 300px

    We recommend uploading images no larger than 2MB in size as larger images may slow down users loading times when they have a poor/unstable internet connection.

  • What is a PNG image file & why are they recommended?

    We often recommendusing the PNG image file format over say the JPEG file format when upladoing images into the theme settings.

    A PNG (Portable Network Graphics) image file is a type of digital image format. It’s used to store pictures, graphics, or illustrations on a computer or the internet. 

    When uploading images in the theme settings, it is often best advised to use PNG images due to their high quality and more importantly their ability to preserve transparent backgrounds, making them popular for images with sharp edges or fine details, like logos, icons, and diagrams.

Theme Release Notes

Norse Theme V1.3.2

Norse Theme V1.2.0

Norse Theme V1.1.0

Norse Theme V1.0.0