LMS for Government: Must-have features for public sector e-learning platforms

In this eBook, we’ve looked at some key areas of functionality that are of specific importance when choosing the right LMS for government departments or agencies, and the specific features within Moodle Workplace which address each of these needs.

Off-the-shelf e-learning is often geared specifically towards the needs of corporate clients. Public sector users, however, including government bodies, often have unique requirements of their own, which may differ from the standard feature set.

That’s not to say there’s no overlap. Public sector organisations face increasing pressure to compete with the private sector in order to attract the best talent, while at the same time dealing with dwindling budgets. They need to meet the expectations of a new generation of potential candidates, without spending excessively on infrastructure, licensing or services contracts.
1. Self-service training
2. Personalised Learning
3. Compliance management
4. Multi-tenancy
5. Reporting and auditing
6. Mobile compatibility
7. Accessibility and localisation
8. Security and privacy

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