The little book of free learning resources

Content curation is a great way of filling your learning platform with content – but creating a playlist or programme from borrowed content can quickly turn into a headache.

Free eLearning
& L&D eBooks


The Little book of free learning resources

Top 5 Benefits of Integrating Your LMS with Other Platforms

Think like a marketer to promote your learning platform

10 ways to improve LMS engagement

Everything you need to know about Totara Learn

What is induction training? (And how to do it well)

LMS for Government: Must-have features for public sector e-learning platforms

eLearning Content Development – How to do it well

Levelling up through eLearning – a guide for membership organisations

Facing Change in the Workplace

How to find the right balance between remote & office work

The expert guide to getting more from your Moodle

3 Powerful Lessons From How Google Approaches L&D

How Moodle supports workplace learning — in a post-pandemic world

Training Needs Analysis Guide Book

The little book of free learning resources